Today the U. S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit Court took another “court ax” to both the will of the people of the Commonwealth of Virginia and to the moral authority of our nation.
There are many arguments of sound reason for marriage only between one man and one woman. They have been articulated over and over and today pro-family organizations will again state those arguments. Sound arguments make no difference to many in the “court” system. We have become a nation ruled by “case law” not the Constitution as based on its “original intent”.
We are in a time of what was right is now wrong. What was wrong is now right. A single judge, or perhaps two of three, or five of nine, negate centuries of “moral” law for millions of people against their written laws and their will. All in the name of “their interpretation” of our Constitution.
The term “gay” is a smokescreen word for a homosexual engaged in homosexual sex. Homosexual sex is contrary to the “Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God”. There is nothing “normal” about men having sex with men or women with women. There is nothing “normal” about homosexuals “marrying” homosexuals. In fact it will never be “normal”. Not in hundred years, not in a thousand years.
Marriage will ALWAYS be between a man and a woman.
Our courts are endorsing moral failure in our society as “normal”. Habitual moral failure which used to be called “vice”, can be lived with only by obliterating conscience through rationalization. We assert bad for good.
It’s past time to start impeaching judges and attorneys general, who forget who they serve. We are a moral people and a moral nation. We deserve a government that serves our moral people and our moral nation.
“True followers” of Jesus “cannot endorse same-sex marriage” regardless of what President Barack Obama, the Congress, the Supreme Court, or the media say about the issue, adding that marriage was “settled by God Himself” and cannot be modified by man.
– Rev. Franklin Graham