The latest Public Policy Polling national voter survey has Donald Trump with a seven-point lead on Ben Carson among Republican voters.
Trump is at 26 percent, with Carson at 19 percent, according to the PPP poll, which was released on Thursday.
The poll has Ted Cruz at 14 percent, and Marco Rubio at 13 percent, both well within striking distance with two months-plus before the opening event of the nomination season in Iowa in early February.
Bad news for one-time presumptive GOP favorite Jeb Bush: the former Florida governor is at just 5 percent, losing half of his support from an early October PPP poll that had him at 10 percent nationally.
Cruz is the big upward mover, going from 7 percent in early October to 14 percent in mid-November.
On the Democrat side, Hillary Clinton has a solid 59-26 lead on Bernie Sanders, with Martin O’Malley well back at 7 percent.
Clinton has a small lead in possible general-election matchups over five of the top six Republican contenders, with Marco Rubio the exception. The Florida U.S. senator has a 45-43 lead on Clinton, according to PPP.
But Clinton’s lead on the rest of the GOP field is just one or two points in each case, within the margin of error.
Sanders would trail each of the six top Republican contenders on average by four and a half points.
– Story by Chris Graham