Home Why is retinol considered a holy grail today?

Why is retinol considered a holy grail today?

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(© Viacheslav Iakobchuk – stock.adobe.com)

Retinol is basically Vitamin A which is found in food. It has been used in dietary supplements to keep the skin fresh. Its multiple benefits include fading of fine lines, wrinkles, and acne spots. Over the years, people have started using retinoids to get rid of dark spots and pigmentation. This ingredient is being added to creams and serums. First developed in 1971, this ingredient quickly rose to prominence as the treatment for all skin-related problems. The primary reason for its formulation was the treatment of cystic acne. It did fade away the acne scars.

Later on, scientists improved the formula to treat other skin issues. It was then used to stop the signs of aging. Numerous other skin issues like warts and psoriasis have also been treated using this vitamin.

  • Some people believe that retinol should only be used at night and not during the day as it breaks down in the sunlight. Well, this is certainly a myth. If you feel any redness on your face after applying retinol before stepping out in the sun then it is probably due to heat exposure.
  • Some people believe that retinol is actually an exfoliator. Well, its benefit goes deeper than that. It increases collagen production which in turn, leads to an increase in skin-repairing cells.
  • If you’ve heard that retinol is used only on dry skin then you are totally wrong. It totally depends on your skin type. It works on all skin types.

Benefits of retinol

Some of the most prominent benefits of using retinol are:

1. Anti-aging product

It is used in anti-aging products to reduce the signs of aging. Wrinkles and fine lines are reduced after regular use of retinol on the skin. It is better to apply retinol serum on your face and neck at night as it is highly effective at that time.

2. Acne treatment

Acne spots are those stubborn bumps on your skin that appear to be ugly and affect your self-confidence. Acne marks, sometimes, become stubborn if not treated properly on time. Retinoic acid present in a retinol serum can help fade away the dark acne spots and makes the skin fresh and hydrated.

3. Hyperpigmentation

When your skin becomes dark around your lips and eyes then that is called hyperpigmentation. This discoloration can be treated easily by using a low concentration of retinol at night. You will feel a huge difference in just a few days. The best retinol creams and serums are available at online drug stores at discounted prices online as well.

Who should not use retinol

An abundance of anything is wrong. Even though retinol does have amazing benefits, it should be used in proper quantity in consultation with a certified dermatologist. If you are pregnant or already undergoing a skin treatment like Accutane then you must avoid using retinol. It is also recommended that you should not apply retinol after waxing or shaving your face as it can cause irritation and rash on your skin.


Story by Dina Torkia. She is currently pursuing her bachelor’s Degree in Journalism, while having a passion for writing on diverse and challenging niches, she aims to explore more depth of words to define the unexplored worlds through her writing and currently she is a freelancer writer but aim’s to go mainstream as well.



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