Interesting perspective on the manufactured controversy over comments made by “Duck Dynasty” patriarch Phil Robertson equating homosexuality to bestiality, among other hateful comments from, of all sources, Fox News Channel ratings kingpin Bill O’Reilly.
“Homosexual Americans should not be demonized just like devout Christians should not be demonized, and people who have strong beliefs should understand the big picture. Portraying gay Americans as sinners gives license to harm them. It’s insulting and demeaning,” O’Reilly said.
So it’s morally wrong, according to O’Reilly, the Fox News moneymaker, to ignite this war on homosexuality.
It’s also politically wrong.
“This controversy is helping anti-Christian forces in the USA,” O’Reilly said. “The secular progressive movement seizes upon stuff like this to portray Christians as cruel fanatics. People only interested in imposing their point of view on the nation.”