Home Washington Nationals ace Stephen Strasburg back on the injured list

Washington Nationals ace Stephen Strasburg back on the injured list

Chris Graham
Stephen Strasburg
Stephen Strasburg threw five no-hit innings for the FredNats on Sunday in a 7-4 win over Salem. Photo by Crystal Abbe Graham.

Washington Nationals ace Stephen Strasburg won’t make his scheduled start on Tuesday after being sent to the injured list.

Manager Dave Martinez said Monday that Strasburg, who had just made his first start of the 2022 season on Thursday, giving up seven runs in four and two-thirds innings in a 7-4 loss at Miami, experienced discomfort after a bullpen session on Saturday.

“We were hoping it was just something that would go away. It didn’t. Today, we sent him to get an MRI. We don’t have any results back yet,” Martinez said.

Strasburg’s fastball topped out at 92 mph, and averaged 90.2 mph, according to FanGraphs.

He had been regularly in the 92-94 mph range in his second rehab start in Fredericksburg back on May 22.

Since signing to a seven-year, $245 million deal following Washington’s 2019 World Series championship, in which Strasburg was named the World Series MVP, the 32-year-old has made just seven big-league starts, with a 1-3 record and 5.74 ERA.

Strasburg was 18-6 with a 3.32 ERA for Washington in 2019, and 5-0 with a 1.98 ERA in the 2019 postseason.

Story by Chris Graham

Chris Graham

Chris Graham

Chris Graham, the king of "fringe media," is the founder and editor of Augusta Free Press. A 1994 alum of the University of Virginia, Chris is the author and co-author of seven books, including Poverty of Imagination, a memoir published in 2019, and Team of Destiny: Inside Virginia Basketball’s Run to the 2019 National Championship, and The Worst Wrestling Pay-Per-View Ever, published in 2018. For his commentaries on news, sports and politics, go to his YouTube page, or subscribe to his Street Knowledge podcast. Email Chris at [email protected].