Waynesboro City Council is, as expected, caving to the Second Amendment sanctuary movement, scheduling a special hearing on gun-control legislation for Monday, Jan. 13.
A press release from the city sent out on Friday relates that the city council “has heard from many concerned citizens regarding pre-filed gun control related legislation for the upcoming Virginia General Assembly session,” which, OK, we’re talking about Facebook here, some emails.
And next, the auditorium at Kate Collins Middle School, 7 p.m. the night of the 13th.
Actually, I’m presuming the auditorium. The presser doesn’t spell that detail out.
Could be the gym. They could set a wrestling ring up in the middle, have a prelim match or two, make some money off the whole deal.
The wrestling would be less fake than the gemmed-up controversy over the Second Amendment, which is all about riling up voters in the futile effort to get that guy from New York re-elected.
Sign up to speak here: www.waynesboro.va.us/1023/Special-Hearing-Sign-Up.
A signup sheet for speakers will also be available at the door.
Some notes:
- You get four minutes, and you’re supposed to be respectful.
- Public schools are gun-free zones, but you knew that already. And you can presume that at least one guy is going to complain that the founders didn’t want public schools to be gun-free zones, and also that this guy got a C- in his high-school government class.
- The presser tells us that “it is the prerogative of the Mayor to close the hearing in order to allow for City Council discussion and potential action.”
If said “potential action” includes approval of a resolution to declare the city a Second Amendment sanctuary, the mayor will have an opponent for re-election.
Story by Chris Graham