Exercise classes, a walking program and some equipment at the Waynesboro Senior Center are some of the many ways we promote an active healthy life style. Members are encouraged to join in the offerings and participate frequently.
Ask yourself—Am I meeting my goals? At the Center, classes are free, a lot of fun and specially tailored to older people’s needs and pace.
Valerie Farrell’s Yoga Class on Mondays helps participants become stronger, more flexible and able to improve their balance.
The program with the highest attendance is led by Mary Beth Robb from the Y on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Be sure to give Building Active Adults a try. Light and Lively is a great exercise program on Wednesdays led by staff. Like the Y program, it is based on chair exercises and is very upbeat.
The walking program is less formal. Once or twice a week the walkers go to a nearby track with staff or log miles on the treadmill. Inspired by two Appalachian Trail hikers, the group set walking goals and is close to meeting the first.
More online at www.WaynesboroSeniorCenter.org.