Home Virginia Eviction Reduction Pilot Program grants benefit Charlottesville, Albemarle
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Virginia Eviction Reduction Pilot Program grants benefit Charlottesville, Albemarle

Crystal Graham
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More than $2.9 million will be distributed for the Virginia Eviction Reduction Pilot program for seven projects throughout the Commonwealth to support eviction prevention services for 48 communities.

The Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission, serving Charlottesville and Albemarle County, will receive $275,000 to support an Eviction Case Management Program at a new Financial Opportunity Center/Housing Hub. The funding will also help create an eviction case manager position, a second landlord navigator position and an additional court navigator position.

“Safe, stable housing is an essential component for strong families,” said Governor Glenn Youngkin. “This pilot program tests to find the most effective wrap-around support services and assistance for Virginians that face housing uncertainty.”

VERP is piloting approaches to reduce evictions that occur brief and humane. The system’s approach includes creating a collective impact model where organizations that serve as a safety net within the community collaborate to ensure households have early access to resources that stabilize their housing situations.

“All Virginians have a right to stable and affordable housing,” said Secretary of Commerce and Trade Caren Merrick.

Other projects funded include:

Peninsula Eviction Reduction Pilot

  • $850,143
  • United Way of the Virginia Peninsula |  Counties of Gloucester, James City, Mathews, New Kent and York and the cities of Hampton, Newport News, Poquoson and Williamsburg

The United Way of the Virginia Peninsula will provide eviction prevention and diversion services as well as a court navigator program to the cities and counties on the Virginia Peninsula, specifically targeting the cities of Hampton and Newport News, which are both priority areas with high rates of eviction. Funding will support UWVP’s increased capacity to address evictions by strengthening the network of housing solutions through partnerships with schools and courts and increasing the accessibility of services.

2023 VERP 3.0 Project

  • $550,000
  • Family Crisis Support Services Inc. | Counties of Buchanan, Dickenson, Lee, Russell, Scott and Wise, the city of Norton and the towns of Appalachia, Big Stone Gap, Cleveland, Clinchco, Clinchport, Clintwood, Coeburn, Duffield, Dungannon, Gate City, Grundy, Haysi, Honaker, Jonesville, Lebanon, Nickelsville, Pennington Gap, Pound, Richlands, St. Charles, St. Paul, Weber City and Wise

Family Crisis Support Services Inc. (FCSS) will provide eviction prevention services for rural communities that may experience significant informal evictions that are not accounted for in available eviction data. FCCS will utilize its coordinated entry process and work with local landlords and property managers to identify individuals and families at risk of evictions, while also using partnerships with local courts to address systemic causes of eviction. Funding will support case management and financial assistance to families and individuals facing eviction, as well as cover outreach, coordination efforts, initiatives and partnerships that promote systems change.

2023 HOME Virginia Eviction Reduction Pilot

  • $465,000
  • Housing Opportunities Made Equal Inc. | City of Richmond

Housing Opportunities Made Equal of Virginia, Inc. (HOME) will serve the city of Richmond, a priority area with the highest rate of evictions in the commonwealth. HOME will expand upon their Eviction Diversion Program by increasing outreach efforts to high-need communities, providing additional rental assistance and expanding case management. Funding will support an additional eviction diversion counselor and an intake staff member to work with clients providing intake, counseling and rental assistance while also expanding its legal court navigation program to assist clients at the local courthouses.

ForKids Virginia Eviction Reduction Program

  • $461,857
  • ForKids | Cities of Chesapeake and Portsmouth

ForKids will serve the city of Chesapeake and the city of Portsmouth, both priority areas with high eviction rates in the commonwealth. ForKids will provide eviction prevention and diversion services including financial assistance, case management, and tenant/landlord education. Funding will support two prevention specialists and two court navigators while also providing an on-site court navigator program that will offer mediation and legal information to tenants and landlords in the courthouse.

Norfolk Eviction Mitigation Program

  • $200,000
  • City of Norfolk

This project will provide eviction prevention and diversion services to the city of Norfolk, a priority area with a high rate of evictions. The city, in partnership with local community organizations, will fund and expand upon the strategies identified in their Eviction Action Plan, rental assistance, child care assistance, training and court navigation. Funding will support two eviction prevention navigators to staff the Norfolk Eviction Prevention Resource Center.

Martinsville Henry County VERP 3.0

  • $143,000
  • United Way of Henry County and Martinsville | Henry County and the city of Martinsville

The United Way of Henry County and Martinsville (UWHCM) will provide eviction prevention and diversion services to Henry County and the city of Martinsville through rental assistance, utility assistance, support services to complete workforce training or maintain employment and financial education courses. Applicants will receive detailed intake and case management to gain a more complete understanding of the factors contributing to a household’s housing stability.

UWHCM will use its strong network of community stakeholders to strengthen collaboration and improve the overall housing stability of the individual. They will also work closely with landlords to identify individuals who could benefit from the program before they fall too far behind.

Crystal Graham

Crystal Graham

Crystal Abbe Graham is the regional editor of Augusta Free Press. A 1999 graduate of Virginia Tech, she has worked for 25 years as a reporter and editor for several Virginia publications, written a book, and garnered more than a dozen Virginia Press Association awards for writing and graphic design. She was the co-host of "Viewpoints," a weekly TV news show, and co-host of Virginia Tonight, a nightly TV news show on PBS. Her work on "Virginia Tonight" earned her a national Telly award for excellence in television.