Home Staunton City Council: Brenda Mead ‘optimistic’ about future of Staunton

Staunton City Council: Brenda Mead ‘optimistic’ about future of Staunton

Crystal Graham
brenda mead
Brenda Mead

Brenda Mead’s tenure on Staunton City Council comes to an end this month after a four-year term serving the city. Mead did not seek re-election.

“During my tenure on City Council I believe my greatest contribution has been to increase the level of public awareness and activism among Staunton citizens,” said Mead.

Mead moved to Staunton in 2010 after retiring in 2008 from a 32-year career in financial services. She is looking forward to traveling, sailing and bicycling with her husband.

“COVID put a crimp in our retirement plans,” she said. “Now we’re ready to get out and enjoy life.”

Looking back, Mead is proud of her efforts to help form the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Commission.

“They are just beginning their work, but the members of the Commission are all excellent people,” she said. “So long as they are allowed to do the job they’ve set out to do, and have the continued support of City Council, all of Staunton will benefit for years to come.”

While her term on Council is complete, she is looking forward to seeing some projects completed:

  • a path to revitalization of Uniontown and the West End that will come as a result of the Uniontown and West End Small Area Plans;
  • seeing Staunton Crossing reach Tier 4 status by taking advantage of the economic development  funds the Governor has proposed in his upcoming budget;
  • solving Staunton’s needs for affordable housing so that we can continue to attract and retain young entrepreneurs, entry level teachers and first responders and their families.

“My outlook for the future of Staunton is very optimistic,” she said. “The recent City Council and School Board elections proved that Staunton voters are ready for progressive, positive and principled leadership.”

The November 2022 election for Staunton City Council brought three newcomers to Council: Michele Edwards, Alice Woods and Brad Arrowood. The progressive trio won election over more conservative challengers on the ticket.

While Staunton has traditionally leaned progressive, the 2020 election went surprisingly conservative with Andrea Oakes, Mark Robertson, Amy Darby and Steve Claffey elected and giving Council a conservative majority for the first time in recent memory.

Mead said she plans to continue to promote citizen awareness and activism as a private citizen.

“Our elected leaders must be held accountable for listening to citizens and acting in the best interests of all Staunton citizens,” she said.

Crystal Graham

Crystal Graham

Crystal Abbe Graham is the regional editor of Augusta Free Press. A 1999 graduate of Virginia Tech, she has worked for nearly 25 years as a reporter and editor for several Virginia publications, written a book, and garnered more than a dozen Virginia Press Association awards for writing and graphic design. She was the co-host of "Viewpoints," a weekly TV news show, and co-host of Virginia Tonight, a nightly TV news show. Her work on "Virginia Tonight" earned her a national Telly award for excellence in television.