The latest Public Policy Polling survey of American voters has a hypothetical race between President Barack Obama and Republican Mitt Romney a dead heat – though Obama still maintains leads over the other top GOP contenders.
The Obama-Romney race stands at a 45 percent-to-45 percent tie in the PPP poll. Obama has lost four points from what had been a 49 percent-to-45 percent lead over Romney in the September PPP poll.
Romney’s strengths, according to the poll, lie in his narrow lead over Obama among independent voters and his strong showing among Republicans – 85 percent of whom say that they would support him in the general election. Herman Cain gets the support of 83 percent of Republicans in a hypothetical head-to-head with Obama, but none of the other top GOP candidates gets out of the 70s among Republican voters.
Cain actually leads among Republicans for the GOP presidential nomination, but trails Obama in a head-to-head by a 48 percent-to-42 percent margin. Rick Perry trails Obama 49 percent to 40 percent, and registered an alarming net-negative favorability rating, with 23 percent of voters saying they have a favorable opinion of him and 57 percent saying they have a negative opinion.