Highway work in the Lynchburg District requiring road/lane/structure closures is scheduled, weather permitting. Items in italics contain new/updated information.
For up-to-date information, call 511 or visit www.511Virginia.org.
Amherst County:
Route 29 Bus S over NS RR– Bridge deck overlay with one 17’ lane. Est. comp. 12/15/17.
Route 29 Bus – Crew will perform sign and signal maintenance.
Route 60 ramps – Crew will maintain/repair pavement messages.
Route 130 over Pedlar River- New bridge is open to traffic; relocation of Route 635 connector continues. Lane closures possible. Est. completion of project: 11/27/17.
Route 677 (130-622) – Milling and paving begins Oct. 12. Traffic control devices and flaggers will assist motorists.
Appomattox County:
Route 24 – Crew will perform sign maintenance.
Buckingham County:
Route 60 – Crew will perform sign maintenance.
Various – Crews will mow, retrace line markings, work surfaces and respond to customer concerns.
Campbell County:
Route 29 Bus, Altavista – Crew will perform signal work.
Route 460 W over Buffalo Creek – Bridge deck overlay. One 11’ width lane. Estimated completion 12/15/17.
Route 501 N over 29/460 – Bridge deck overlay. Lane closures with 15’ width. Estimated completion 12/15/17.
Route 622 (Bedford line-Rt 1520) –Milling and paving operations. Traffic control devices and flaggers will direct motorists.
Route 633 (705-703) – Bridge work. One lane traffic with temporary signal.
Route 650 over Molly’s Creek – Traffic restricted to single 10’ lane using concrete barrier, temporary signal and traffic control devices. Completion – 10/27/17.
Route 696 over Troublesome Creek (709-693) – Road closed through late-October for bridge replacement. Detour via 709, 692 and 693 back to 709.
Charlotte County:
Route 15 N/S over 15 Bus. – Max. load width of 12’ allowed through bridge repair project. Oversized loads may use Rt. 15 Business. Temporary traffic control in place. Est. comp. 12/15/17.
Route 40– Crew will work culverts. Also, mill patching, mill and paving will take place.
Routes 59, 623 & 637 – Crew will maintain/repair pavement messages.
Route 643 over Branch of Roanoke Creek (642-746) – Road closed 11/13-2/2 for bridge replacement. Detour via 642 and 746.
Route 746 over stream (40 – 649) – Road closed 10/10-11/17 for abutment repairs. Detours via 649, 40 & 746.
Various – Crews will boom axe, mow, work surfaces and respond to customer concerns.
Cumberland County:
Surface treatment schedule – Traffic control devices and flaggers will direct traffic.
Various – Crew will work surfaces and ditches, mow and respond to customer concerns.
Halifax County:
Route 619 (623-603) – Road will be blocked from 7:30 am to 4 pm, Oct. 25-27 for bridge testing. Detour via 623 and 603, back to 619.
Route 677 over Polecat Creek (676-763) – Road closed 11/13 – 2/16 for bridge replacement. Detour via 676, and 360.
Bethel AHQ – Crew will make pothole repairs at various locations.
Cluster Springs AHQ – Crew will boom axe at various locations.
Turbeville, Cluster spring AHQ – Crew will apply asphalt on secondary routes.
Various–Crews will mow and respond to customer requests. Also, contract paving complete; however, lines/markers need to be applied.
Route 501 N over 29/460 – Bridge deck overlay. Lane closures with 15’ width. Estimated completion 12/15/17.
Greenview Drive– Changes in traffic pattern during project. Completion- Fall 2017.
Route 29/460 (Odd Fellows Rd Int. & Odd Fellows Rd.)– Equipment entering/exiting roadway. Temporary lane closures possible on 460 & Odd Fellows. Est. comp. 8/3/18. Speed – 45 mph.
Route 151 (664-6) – Milling and paving, 8 pm – 6 am, Sept. 17 – early October.
Route 653 over Bob’s Creek (650 -655) – Road closed 10/30-12/8 for bridge superstructure replacement. Detour via 655, 722, 647, 56 and 650.
Pittsylvania County:
Route 29 ramps and bypasses– Crews will retrace line markings.
Route 29, Danville Expressway, including Route 58 Bus. & 29 Bypass ramps – Plant mix overlay work will begin at these sites and move to various locations in county.
Route 605 over Marrowbone Creek – Advance warning signs & portable signals in use. Traffic reduced to one alternating thru lane during joint repairs.
Route 637(Gretna AHQ) and Route 800 (Rondo AHQ)– Crews will work Rural Rustic project.
Route 694 over Banister River (703-1035) – Road closed 11/27 – 3/2 for bridge replacement. Detour via 703, 29 and 718.
Route 695 over Fall Creek – Road closed 7/24-11/21 for bridge replacement. Detour in use.
Brosville and Mt. Airy AHQs – Crews will boom axe.
Gretna and Rondo AHQs – Crews will clean roadsides.
Various –Crews will mow, work surfaces and respond to customers.
Prince Edward County:
Route 651 over Harris Creek (Rt 690 – 608) – Road closed 10/1017-11/10/17 for bridge replacement. Detour via 626, 460 and 608 back to 651.
Route 691, 705 & 784 – Crew will begin preparation for Rural Rustic projects.
Various – Crew will mow, work surfaces, cut brush, remove debris and respond to customer concerns.
District-wide activities:
Bridge maintenance – Crews will perform maintenance on bridges.
Guardrail maintenance – Crews will do guardrail maintenance.
Pipe rehabilitation – Crews will rehab/replace pipe at various locations.