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Fitting your new hearing aids


hearing healthcareIf you decide to pursue hearing aids requiring ear molds, you can expect to return to your hearing healthcare provider for an appointment in two to three weeks.

Hearing aids are customized instruments so it takes some time to have them made and shipped to the provider’s office. Before you are fitted with the hearing aids, the provider should carefully check them to ensure they are working properly.

With digital mini-BTEs with thin tubes or receivers in the ear the HHP should be able to fit you with these devices after the hearing assessment phase. Here are some issues, processes and expectations that should occur in this phase:

  • Fitting Time Frame. You can expect the initial hearing aid fitting to last between 60 and 90 minutes.
  • Orientation. A thorough orientation to the care, use, maintenance and expectations regarding initial hearing aid use. This orientation should take at least 45 minutes, possibly longer. Be sure to feel comfortable getting the hearing aids in and out of your ears.
  • Wearing Schedule. If you are a new hearing aid wearer, you should be given a detailed wearing schedule that outlines approximately how long and where you should wear your hearing aids the first week or two. It takes your brain a little time to get rewired with hearing aids, especially if you have had a hearing loss for several years. Experienced wearers may not need an adjustment period unless the technology is radically different from what they had in the past.
  • Hearing Aids are Fit Prescriptively. This means that the loudness and other characteristics of the hearing aid is determined by a thoroughly researched formula incorporating your individual test results and entered into a computer. This prescriptive formula has been shown to be a reasonable starting point for the vast majority of hearing aid users. Don’t be surprised if that initial starting point sounds a little loud or abrasive. Remember you are hearing a lot of sounds you could not hear for many years. It is advisable to follow the recommendations of the HHP when dealing with initial discomfort and annoyance associated with early use of new hearing aids. Be patient. However, never accept hearing aids which are uncomfortably loud. If they are uncomfortable, communicate this to the HHP who has the ability to turn down the gain.
  • Verification. Your HHP should verify the quality of the fit by conducting an automated test called a real ear or probe microphone measure. This measure may use actual speech or a calibrated tone. This measure will ensure the hearing aid has been customized to your hearing loss and ears. Additionally, this measure can be used by the HHP to demonstrate to you how certain advanced features, like directional microphones, digital noise reduction, and automatic feedback reduction work. Since these advanced features contribute to the cost of the instruments, don’t be afraid to ask the HHP to demonstrate how these features work in your hearing aids. They can be demonstrated rather easily with probe microphone measures during the initial fitting.
  • Batteries. You should be given an ample supply of batteries and instructed on how they are to be changed and discarded. Some HHP bundle the cost of life-time batteries in their purchase price.
  • Care and Maintenance. You should be given an instruction booklet, cleaning tool, and something to store the hearing aids when not in use.
  • Satisfaction Guaranteed. The HHP should be able to answer your questions, offer reassurance and guidance during all aspects of this appointment. If during the appointment your hearing aids do not fit well or sound wrong tell the HHP so that adjustments can be made prior to the start of your 30 day trial date.
  • Timely Follow-up. Because getting used to hearing aids can be demanding (there is a lot to learn), the HHP should give you a phone call 1 to 2 days after the fitting to see how you are doing. Don’t be afraid to make a personal visit to the HHP right away if you need immediate help or further instruction. You will find that the vast majority of HHPs are willing to see you right away for a check-up appointment, if you are struggling or feel frustrated.


Hearing Healthcare of Virginia

Hearing Healthcare of Virginia is offering complimentary hearing screenings at its six locations in the Shenandoah Valley and Central Virginia – Charlottesville, Covington, Culpeper, Fishersville, Harrisonburg, and Lexington.

For more information or to schedule an appointment, call (866) 341-4327.

More online at HearVirginia.com.



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