Agritourism continues to be a major element of Virginia’s “New Economy” initiatives, and on April 5-6, 2016, farmers, economic development officials, and government leaders will gather at the 2016 Virginia Conference on Agritourism in South Boston to discuss more ways to develop this vibrant aspect of the Commonwealth’s tourism industry.
The Central Shenandoah Planning District Commission (CSPDC) and its Fields of Gold Agritourism Program have been key sponsors and planning partners for the event. CSPDC staff and Fields of Gold members are slated to participate in several sessions during the conference.
Fields of Gold Coordinator Tracey Coltrain emphasizes how the annual conference benefits agritourismbusinesses and officials alike: “Bringing businesses together with government leaders and experts onagritourism topics provides an absolutely essential exchange of information on challenges, solutions, and innovations. Events like this not only enhance business success, but also help educate officials about what’s truly happening in the trenches for small farm businesses. That conversation creates a whole new level of effective and sustainable strategies for growing the economic impact of agritourism in the Commonwealth of Virginia.”
Over 50 speakers will discuss opportunities and challenges for agritourism entrepreneurs, and explore a wide range of primary or value-added agritourism options for farmers, marketing, networking, financing, business planning, and the legal, zoning, safety, workforce, and conservation issues confronting today’s agriculturally-based businesses.
Coltrain will participate in the Regional Agritourism Planning panel on April 5. Several Fields of Gold members will offer insights at sessions on events, and farm sales. Farm tours will be conducted on Tuesday, providing conference participants a glimpse into several different agritourism operations in the South Boston area. A pre-conference workshop on Monday, April 4, and a farm-to-table dinner on April 5 are also scheduled.
Special guests include the Honorable Maurice Jones, Secretary of Commerce and Trade;
the Honorable Todd Haymore, Secretary of Agriculture and Forestry; the Honorable Danny Marshall, House of Delegates and chairman of the House Committee on Agriculture, Chesapeake and Natural Resources; and Mary Rae Carter, Special Advisor for Rural Partnerships.
Attendees may register online for one ($95) or both days ($135). The registration deadline is Friday, March 25.For more information, contact Dr. Martha A. Walker, Virginia Cooperative Extension, (434)766-6761 or [email protected].
The conference is sponsored by Virginia Cooperative Extension, Central Shenandoah Planning District Commission, Farm Credit, Virginia Association of Counties, Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Virginia FAIRS, Virginia Tourism Corporation, and USDA Rural Development.