Home Dawn Shull Presented with Catch a Star Award
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Dawn Shull Presented with Catch a Star Award

Dawn and Beth webDawn Shull, the Volunteer Coordinator for the Harrisonburg-Rockingham regional office of Valley Program for Aging Services, was presented with a “Catch a Star” award for her exemplary work during Volunteer Appreciation Week in April.

Dawn organized and executed a volunteer breakfast for three consecutive mornings to maximize the opportunity of including as many volunteers as possible. Volunteers received a goodie bag along with the breakfast. Since there were not funds budgeted for this event Dawn solicited donations of food items and money to cover costs. PRSC Local Council contributed $100 and additional monetary donations totaled $870.

Dawn has used some of the donated funds to purchase Walmart gift cards and now holds a monthly drawing for volunteers as a form of volunteer retention/recognition.

More online at www.VPASRockingham.com.



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