Home Warner demands answers regarding delays with Ashanti Alerts

Warner demands answers regarding delays with Ashanti Alerts

Photo Credit: W. Scott McGill

U.S. Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA) expressed his frustration this week over repeated delays and inaction by the Department of Justice (DOJ) regarding the implementation of the Ashanti Alert Act, which was signed into law more than nine months ago, after passing through Congress in a bipartisan fashion. In a letter to Attorney General William Barr, Sen. Warner demanded a firm deadline for the national launch of the Ashanti Alert system, and called the DOJ’s inaction and lack of communication “unacceptable.”

“The delayed implementation of this critical public safety program is costing lives,” wrote Sen. Warner. “In our meeting, Ms. Sullivan had shared with me a number of concrete steps she would be taking to speed up implementation, and relayed she understood the importance of getting this alert system up and running in each state. However, in the two months since that meeting, there has been little progress on any of the items we spoke about. As well, the Department has subsequently failed to provide my office with any tangible updates or information in follow up emails.”

“One of my major concerns is that despite my urging, there has been no outreach to relevant officials in the Commonwealth of Virginia, who successfully helped implement a Virginia Ashanti Alert system in only three months. Delaying these key conversations regarding best practices will only slow implementation of this life-saving system,” Sen. Warner continued. “The lack of movement on implementing this critical alert system, and the lack of communication with my office is unacceptable.”

The Ashanti Alert Law is named after Ashanti Billie – a 19-year-old whose body was discovered in North Carolina, 11 days after she was first reported missing in Norfolk, Va. At the time of Ashanti’s abduction, she was too old for an AMBER Alert and too young for a Silver Alert. Once implemented, the Ashanti Alert would notify the public about missing or endangered adults, ages 18-64, and assist law enforcement in the search by way of a national communications network.

In the letter, Sen. Warner cited his numerous unanswered requests for updates and called on the DOJ to provide any further information on Ashanti Alert implementation efforts by October 11, 2019. He also requested a firm deadline for the national launch of the Ashanti Alert system.

Sen. Warner, who secured unanimous passage of this bill through the Senate on December 6, 2018, has been a leader in the fight to implement the Ashanti Alert. In August, he reiterated the need for the alert’s swift implementation, following a meeting with Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Sullivan. He has also previously demanded in-person meetings with the DOJ, requested implementation updates, and urged congressional appropriators to provide full funding for the timely implementation of the Ashanti Alert.



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