Garrett Peppelman (Harrisburg, Pa.) at 165 pounds and Zach Nye (Enola, Pa.) at 197 pounds grabbed victories in their respective bouts as No. 23 Virginia (3-2) dropped its dual meet at No. 5 Ohio State (1-0) by a score of 34-6 on Friday (Nov. 13).
A redshirt freshman, Peppelman picked up the first win of the night for the Cavaliers with a 5-3 decision over senior Justin Kresevic to put Virginia in the scoring column for the match. Nye, a senior, picked up the second win for the Cavaliers, grabbing a 10-6 decision over Matthew O’Hara.
“Tonight was a rough night,” said Virginia head coach Steve Garland. “We left a lot of wins out there on the mat. There were at least three bouts I really think we should have had, but Ohio State found a way to finish matches and finish them well. This is where we will attack as a team and get better. They are tough lessons to learn, but this is the process.
“You get in these battles now and learn and develop, and it benefits you in March. Those guys will learn from those mistakes and be better at the end of the day. We have another really tough one Sunday against another nationally-ranked team, so we are blessed. We have an awesome opportunity to get back out there and compete. We’re thankful for that and excited to see how our guys respond.”
Ohio State picked up major decisions over the Cavaliers at 125 and 141 pounds, while George DiCamillo (Highland Heights, Ohio) dropped a tight 8-7 decision to fifth-ranked Johnni DiJulius at 133 pounds. All three Cavaliers wrestled against foes ranked nationally in their weight class.
The Buckeyes would extend the lead on the Cavaliers with a fall at 149 pounds and a narrow 3-2 decision by Jake Ryan over Andrew Atkinson (Lynchburg, Va.) at 157 pounds. Peppelman would then get the Cavaliers on the board with his win at 165 pounds.
Wins at 174 and 181 pounds extended the overall lead for the Buckeyes before Nye would pick up his win at 197 pounds. Ohio State closed out the match with a fall at heavyweight.
Virginia will return to action on Sunday, hosting a 1 p.m. contest against No. 15 Old Dominion at Memorial Gymnasium.
No. 5 Ohio State 34, No. 23 Virginia 6
125: No. 1 Nathan Tomasello (OSU) maj dec. Nick Herrmann, 14-6; OSU 4-0
133: No. 5 Johnni DiJulis (OSU) dec No. 10 George DiCamillo, 8-7; OSU 7-0
141: No. 19 Micah Jordan (OSU) maj dec. Zach Watson, 19-8; OSU 11-0
149: Cody Burcher (OSU) fall TJ Miller, 4:06; OSU 17-0
157: Jake Ryan (OSU) dec. No. 19 Andrew Atkinson (UVA), 3-2; OSU 20-0
165: Garrett Peppelman (OSU) dec. Justin Kresevic (OSU), 5-3; OSU 20-3
174: No. 1 Bo Jordan (OSU) tech fall Fox Baldwin (UVA), 17-2; OSU 25-3
184: Kenny Courts (OSU) dec. Tyler Askey (UVA), 11-5; OSU 28-3
197: No. 10 Zach Nye (UVA) dec. Matthew O’Hara (OSU), 11-5; OSU, 28-6
Hwt: Nick Tavarnello fall Patrick Gillen, (UVA), 5:45, OSU 34-6