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Picking out hearing aids can be challenging if you are unfamiliar with the numerous acronyms used to identify basic types. The following collection encompasses the vast majority of the acronyms you are likely to encounter when researching hearing aids and presents a brief explanation of each. The best approach to fully understand the distinctions is to see them side-by-side, so if any of these explanations are unclear, be sure to call us to visit and explore the different styles.
What follows is an alphabetical list of well-known hearing aid styles
Behind the Ear (BTE) – Appropriate for mild to severe hearing losses, the BTE hearing aid’s more substantial external case makes additional features possible and is a good choice for anyone that has poor finger dexeterity. All of the component parts are inside the case which is worn behind the ear. BTE hearing aids come in many colors. This style is often used for young children for safety and growth reasons.
Completely in Canal (CIC) – Appropriate for mild to moderate hearing losses, the CIC design fits inside the ear canal making it nearly invisible. Because of its small size, the Completely in Canal style typically has fewer features. For example, the Completely in Canal style does not have space for directional microphones.
Extended Wear Hearing Aids – Extended wear hearing aids are positiioned in the ear canal by a hearing specialist. Extended wear hearing aids are worn for 1 to 3 months at a time without removal.
In the Ear (ITE) – Appropriate for mild to severe hearing losses, the In-the-Ear style of hearing aid is a fine choice for a wide variety of hearing losses and is very easy to handle. The ITE is visible inside the ear, but its larger size allows for more features, more power and a better battery life.
In the Canal (ITC) – Appropriate for mild to moderately-severe hearing losses, the ITC style is a small hearing aid which fits inside the ear canal and is visible from the outside. Because it is somewhat larger than the models which fit deeper in the ear canal, directional microphones are possible with the In-the-Canal style.
Invisible in Canal (IIC) – The Invisible-in-Canal type of hearing aid fits fully inside the ear canal and is invisible from the outside. IIC styles are typically not recommended for the elderly, yet are a wonderful choice in middle age.
Open Ear / Open Fit – Appropriate for mild to moderately-severe hearing losses, the Open Fit (also called Open Ear) design brings together an external case that sits behind the ear and a flexible clear tube placed in the ear. The Open Ear/Open Fit design leaves the ear canal open for natural sound quality and is available in various colors.
Receiver In the Ear (RIE or RITE) – Appropriate for mild to moderately-severe hearing losses, the RIE/RITE model is the smallest among the hearing aids work externally. The Receiver In the Ear style brings together a tiny case that is located behind the ear and a receiver positioned inside the ear connected by a flexible tube. The ear canal remains open for natural sound quality.
Power – Formulated for people with profound hearing loss, the Power type hearing aid boasts a larger external case that sits behind the ear. The larger physical size allows it to offer the most amplification using the most powerful current technological innovations.