How is MAGA Nation reacting to the avalanche from the Jan. 6 Committee? Cue mental image of a scalded dog.
First, to Dr. Oz, the TV Republican Senate nominee in Pennsylvania, who Donald Trump pushed past the finish line in a race that was recount-close.
Axios noticed that the Dr. Oz campaign website is now devoid of any imagery featuring Trump, which is interesting, considering that Trump had been all over the site until this week, in the form of brief campaign spots “endorsed by President Trump,” and that the campaign had purchased a barrage of Trump-focused ads on Google and Facebook ahead of the primary.
And then there’s Amy Kremer, someone you’ve almost certainly never heard of, unless you’re a Trumper, but she was one of the organizers of the Jan. 6 rally.
Yes, that Jan. 6 rally.
She was also the co-founder of Women for Trump.
Apparently, she’s not a Woman for Trump anymore.
“Donald Trump is disconnected from the base,” Kremer told Politico, commenting on her upset feelings after the Alabama Senate primary, in which the Trump-backed Katie Britt defeated Mo Brooks, who’d had the backing of Kremer.
“It’s time for those of us in the movement to get back to basics, back to our first principles,” Kremer said.
“We were here long before President Trump came along, and we’re going to be here long afterward,” Kremer said.
OK, so that one wasn’t so much about Jan. 6 as it was about routine politics, but does Kremer feel emboldened to buck Trump if there’s not this growing feeling on their side that Trump is damaged goods?
And how about the strange saga around Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson, who we now know had an “alternate slate of electors” to personally deliver to then-Vice President Mike Pence ahead of the Jan. 6 certification vote.
Johnson tried to run away from reporters barraging him with questions, then finally explained it all away by saying it was “a non-story” about a “staff-to-staff deal.”
“Some staff intern said the vice president needs this, or whatever. I wasn’t involved,” Johnson said.
Kind of reminds you of Peter denying Jesus after the arrest, doesn’t it?
One more quote from Johnson: “I was not involved in this at all. I don’t know why you’re asking me questions, so why don’t you just leave me alone?”
Sad story
Poor guy.
Trump, I mean, here.
The friends he bought with other people’s money are all abandoning him now.
That’s the way these kinds of things usually come to an end.