Home Trump, Carson neck-and-neck, Cruz gaining in Iowa: Poll
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Trump, Carson neck-and-neck, Cruz gaining in Iowa: Poll


2016A new poll of Iowa voters by Public Policy Polling has Donald Trump and Ben Carson in a virtual dead heat, with Ted Cruz gaining ground. Trump was at 22 percent in the PPP poll, with Carson at 21 percent. Cruz was at 14 percent, gaining six points from an October poll in Iowa.

Marco Rubio is fourth in the PPP poll in Iowa at 10 percent.

Other numbers are moving forward for Cruz: his favorability is 62/16, up from 51/23 a month ago, and he now leads the field among Tea Party voters (at 34 percent, to 24 percent for Trump and 22 percent for Carson).

Carson is the most frequent second choice of Iowa GOP voters – at 19 percent – and is the leader when looking at the combined first and second choices of Iowa Republicans, at 40 percent, to 32 percent for Trump, 24 percent for Cruz and 22 percent for Rubio.

Carly Fiorina is heading in the wrong direction. After peaking at 13 percent in a September PPP poll, she is now at 5 percent.

Jeb Bush is tied with Fiorina well back from the leaders at 5 percent. Worse for Bush is his 25/53 net unfavorable rating from Iowa Republican voters.

On the Democratic side, Hillary Clinton has a commanding lead over Bernie Sanders, at 57 percent for Clinton and 25 percent for Sanders, with Martin O’Malley a distant third at 7 percent.



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