Tree trimming will require alternating lane closures on Route 250 (Ivy Road) in western Albemarle County on Wednesday between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m.
The work will occur near the caution light at the intersection of Route 676 (Tilman Road) to improve sight distance for turning motorists.
Motorists should obey traffic controls and expect minor delays during work hours.
Real-time road conditions and weather forecasts are available on VDOT’s traffic and travel website, The site also has live traffic camera images for many major highways, including Interstate 64, I-66 and Routes 29 and 250 in Central Virginia. Motorists can call 511 from any telephone in Virginia for road and traffic conditions on all major highways in the state. Call 1-800-FOR-ROAD (367-7623) 24 hours a day to report highway-related problems or request information about Virginia’s highways.