The importance of digital marketing is as apparent as ever with ads seeming to be present on every website as well as social media platform. The legal industry is extremely competitive with large budgets being able to be put towards all kinds of marketing. Advertising online as well is important online but many attorneys still do well with billboards or commercials on television. Digital marketing has now become far more efficient in terms of spend when it comes to attracting new clients. The following are tips for digital marketing for an attorney or law firm to drive up client/case numbers.
Ranking On The Search Engines
Ranking on the search engines is imperative as many people looking for an attorney go online to find legal representation. The importance of local rankings cannot be stressed enough as most people will not drive outside of their area to meet with an attorney unless they specialize in an area of law the individual needs. Finding the best firms possible will take research of cases as well as the reviews. Firms that get real results are more than willing to share previous cases or settlements they have gotten for clients. Professionals like those at The Injury Law Firm San Antonio understand the importance of finding attorneys that are not only respected but also experienced with a particular kind of case.
Online Reputation Management
There is a chance that a law firm lost a large case which is not the first result any firm wants people searching for attorneys to see first. Driving these results down the search engines is important as people rarely go passed the first few pages of search results. This might take a professional or a dedicated individual to do this as it can be a full-time job in itself. Luckily for law firms, there are plenty of freelancers that are affordable that can help with online reputation management or ORM. This can even be used to disassociate a particular lawyer from their old firm if they accepted a position with a new firm.
Acquiring Organic Website Traffic Via Content Marketing
Content marketing can be a huge help with search engine rankings as well as showcasing knowledge that the firm has. Organic traffic is important as it helps with rankings and means that the searcher was looking for a particular firm or type of firm. Content that is written has to keep main keywords of the law firm in mind as writing articles about divorce law will not drive traffic back to a personal injury attorney or corporate law firm.
Landing Clients Via Social Media
People flock to social media to ask for advice all of the time so answering questions can be a great way to land a client. Social media is the perfect place to showcase legal expertise and can be a perfect way to build rapport with the local community. Sharing charity events or other events in the area can grow a follower base of locals which is far more valuable than followers that would never have a chance of hiring the law firm. Do not give explicit advice and try to set as many consultations as possible. With social media being a free platform to post on this can be a great way to keep the cost per client acquired at reasonable levels.
As you can see these are just a few of the many aspects of digital marketing that have to be handled to keep the edge on the competition. PPC is another type of advertising that can convert but this can cost quite a bit of money to a firm. Finding a PPC professional that is reliable and generates results can help reduce costs as well as attract the right type of traffic to the website.