Home Thank you, Joe: Now, it’s time for you to do the right thing, for the good of the country
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Thank you, Joe: Now, it’s time for you to do the right thing, for the good of the country

Chris Graham
joe biden
(© Luca Perra – Shutterstock)

I’m not going to say Joe Biden needs to pull a Lyndon Johnson and drop out of the presidential race, because that much is obvious, and it’s just as obvious that it’s 100 percent going to happen, hopefully sooner rather than later.

It was obvious from the first words out of the sitting president’s mouth in Thursday’s debate – not what he said, but how he sounded, with a raspy voice, which his handlers are trying to suggest is the result of a cold.

Let’s be honest here – his handlers did this to him, and we should thank them.

A lot of attention has been given to the fact that this was by an order of magnitude the earliest general election presidential debate ever, in the final week of June.

As we heard Biden struggle not only with his voice, but with his focus, it started to become clear to me what was really going on.

Biden’s team has been aware for a while that he is no longer capable of being the nominee, but they’ve not been able to get him to do us all a solid and step aside, for the good of the country, which will not be able to survive in anything resembling current form another Trump presidency.

So, they convinced Biden that he needed to push for this dramatically early debate, because, good news, he’s not the nominee yet, so, assuming he would perform the way he ended up performing tonight, there’d be plenty of time for a reset.

The convention is still a few weeks away. There are plenty of good candidates – think: California Gov. Gavin Newsom, Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzger – who can jump in and take things on from here.

There’s your team – Newsom-Pritzger ’24.

I’m not even going to argue here that Biden needs to step down, because you don’t argue what is going to happen.

Look, Joe Biden has already done what he needed to do. He beat Donald Trump in 2020.

Biden needed to step aside before this point, to allow for a full and complete vetting of the potential nominees through the primary and caucus process.

That’s water under the bridge. He didn’t; that’s hubris on his part.

We’re where we are now.

Biden has given the bulk of his adult life to doing what’s right for America.

What’s right for America is clear and present.

Thanks, Joe. Now, do the right thing.

Chris Graham

Chris Graham

Chris Graham, the king of "fringe media," is the founder and editor of Augusta Free Press. A 1994 alum of the University of Virginia, Chris is the author and co-author of seven books, including Poverty of Imagination, a memoir published in 2019, and Team of Destiny: Inside Virginia Basketball’s Run to the 2019 National Championship, and The Worst Wrestling Pay-Per-View Ever, published in 2018. For his commentaries on news, sports and politics, go to his YouTube page, or subscribe to his Street Knowledge podcast. Email Chris at [email protected].