Home Staunton Public Library invites public input
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Staunton Public Library invites public input


The Staunton Public Library is seeking input from the public to develop a plan for a renewed building that will meet present needs and be adaptable to the many changes in technology and library service required in the 21st century.

staunton3Open meetings will be held Wednesday, Dec. 4, at 10:00 am, 3:00 pm, and 6:30 pm, in the 2nd Floor Meeting Room of the Library.  All residents are invited to come share their ideas for how the Library can better serve the community.

The sessions will be conducted by representatives from BCWH Architects/Tappé Associates who have been hired to conduct a space study for the Library.

For those who are unable to attend a meeting, an online survey will be available at www.stauntonlibrary.org.

Paper copies may be obtained at the Library, 1 Churchville Ave.

For more information, call 332-3902.



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