Shak Hill, a candidate for the Republican nomination for the U.S. Senate in Virginia, released a video today blasting Virginia’s incumbent Democratic Sen. Mark Warner for waging a “War on Girls” and claiming that Warner supports so-called “gender-selective” abortion.
In a press release today, the Hill campaign asserted that Warner “strongly supports” gender-selective abortion, which would allow a woman to choose to abort her unborn baby if she doesn’t like the baby’s gender. This is where we get the “War on Girls.” The Hill campaign says there is mounting evidence that women disproportionately choose to abort unborn baby girls, which Hill then denounces as a war on girls.
“Mark Warner is waging a War on Girls, and it’s killing them,” Hill said. “Warner’s unconditional support for abortion, gender-selective abortion, constitutes an all-out war on girls, and he wants your tax dollars to pay for it.
“Warner claims he personally opposes abortion yet he demands that the government give women a license to abort their unborn babies as a matter of personal convenience. That’s just wrong…and it goes far beyond the bounds of even modern Virginian values, let alone traditional American values.”