On the evening of May 30, VDOT remove the unwarranted traffic signal at Route 631 (Rio Road West) and Route 1456 (Four Seasons Drive) in Albemarle County to improve traffic operations and safety.
In 2016, VDOT studied the operation of the intersection and determined the traffic count on Four Seasons Drive had fallen below the levels required to warrant a traffic signal based on standards set forth by the Federal Highway Administration.
The signal was placed in flash mode for observation in mid-November 2016 through Feb. 15. During the 90-day study period, VDOT monitored the flow of traffic, noting that no crashes occurred. The study determined that left turns onto Rio Road West decreased and right turns increased, suggesting that drivers were finding alternate routes during peak hours.
Crews will begin working around 9 p.m. May 30 to remove the traffic signal heads and mast arms. Pavement markings will also be adjusted to increase sight distance. The work will require temporary lane and shoulder closures. Motorists should use caution in the area and expect brief delays while the work is completed.
- VDOT’s signal removal report: www.virginiadot.org/Rio-Four_Season_Signal_Removal.pdf
- Federal Highway Administration publication on removal of unwarranted traffic signals: safety.fhwa.dot.gov/intersection/other_topics/fhwasa08008/sa7_remove_unwarranted_signal.pdf.
- More information about traffic signals: www.virginiadot.org/info/faq-trafficsignals.asp.