Do you remember when the Republican Party was the “law and order” Party? Yet now we have the spectacle of the two leading contenders for the Republican nomination for President supporting the commission of crimes.
That’s not how they put it, of course, but when Donald Trump says of the Black Lives Matter protester who was knocked to the ground and kicked and beaten at a Trump rally that “Maybe he should have been roughed up…” because his conduct was “disgusting,” that’s what it amounts to. According to the law, we citizens do not have the right to assault our fellow citizens just because we are disgusted by their behavior. We can summon the law to remove someone who is disturbing the peace, but we can’t beat and kick whoever we don’t like. That’s the crime of assault and battery.
Meanwhile, the other front-runner, Ben Carson, in an WHAT WE’RE UP AGAINST: The Destructive Force at Work in Our World .