Register now for art classes by calling the Staunton Augusta Art Center at 540.885.2028
Classes will be held in the Smith Center at 20 S. New Street, Staunton.
Teachers provide gentle, individualized guidance.
Improving Skills and Techniques in Watercolor
For adults with some experience in water media
Peg Sheridan, teacher
Learn to create more powerful watercolors with glowing washes, larger designs and more effective brushstrokes
Six Wednesday mornings, September 28-November 2, 10am-Noon
$160/$144 for members
Materials list will be provided
Drawing Can Be Fun
For adults and high school students new to drawing or wanting a refresher course
Maribeth Nolde, teacher
Learn to draw basic shapes and forms found in all objects, learn basic shading and shadow techniques, and create a beautiful still life.
Six Tuesday evenings, October 4-November 8, 7-9pm
$160/$144 for members
Bring drawing pad, graphite pencils and eraser