Tea Party Republican Senate candidate Jamie Radtke today blasted George Allen, Tim Kaine and Barack Obama for playing a part in fueling recent protests on Wall Street against free-market capitalism.
In a Tuesday morning interview on WLNI, Radtke told a Lynchburg audience: “Those protesters should be mad at career politicians, like George Allen and Tim Kaine and Barack Obama, who are working to benefit the special interests at the expense of working Americans.”
Radtke said, “An example of how it works is: George Allen takes millions in campaign contributions from Finance or Insurance or Real Estate interests, and then supports manipulating the markets to their advantage. That’s how George Allen’s been playing Wall Street politics.”
Radtke then cited the following actions by George Allen as evidence he manipulated the market:
Allen voted for the prescription drug entitlement known as “Medicare Part D”
Allen refused to help Senate attempts to reform Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac
Allen supported subsidies for various Wall Street interests like Ethanol and Sugar
“These left-wing radicals’ claims against Capitalism are fueled by career politicians like George Allen and Tim Kaine and Barack Obama, who are actually rejecting Capitalism and manipulating the markets for their friends.”
Radtke told WLNI the protesters on Wall Street are wrong to blame capitalism for the country’s economic woes. Instead, she said, “These protesters should be mad at liberal politicians like George Allen and Tim Kaine and Barack Obama for thinking they have the right to bleed working families in order to reward the fat cats that are bankrolling their campaigns.”