City Councilwoman updates snow-removal operations in Waynesboro
Report by Lorie Smith
Here we are three days after the historic 24-inch snowfall that blanketed Waynesboro. Virginia and surrounding states were hit hard; our area particularly so. In an effort to keep the public informed, I’d like to provide you with some post-storm updates
Current Road Conditions:
Intersections are still quite slushy at this point. City crews are working on this issue to avoid nightly refreezes.
Sidewalk Cleanup:
It is unrealistic to expect citizens to clear this volume of snow under a strict timeframe. I anticipate a relaxed enforcement policy that will give citizens and businesses ample time to clear their sidewalks.
Avoiding Driveway Blockage:
Some streets have only had one lane open. City crews are now revisiting targeted areas to clear both lanes. Every effort will be made to accomplish this without impacting driveways. Public Works’ goal is to minimize driveway blockage while plowing, but as you can imagine, dealing with this volume of snow is extremely challenging.
Friday-Saturday Recap:
While the snow was still falling, Public Works’ primary goal was to keep the main thoroughfares passable for emergency vehicles. Numerous emergency vehicles required assistance after getting stuck or sliding in the snow. I’m proud to say that Public Works and the City’s Fire and Rescue Services worked collaboratively to help citizens in need.
Trash Pick-Up:
Please note that we are already on an abbreviated pick-up schedule due to the holidays:
*Regular collection will resume Tuesday, Dec. 22nd.
*Trash will not be collected in alleyways this week.
*If you can get your trashcan to the street, workers can collect it there.
*If you’re unable to get your trashcan to the street, you may wait until alleyway pick-up resumes. There will be no bag limit for the next alleyway pick-up.
Our Public Works crews have done an exemplary job with the equipment and resources available to them. Please join me in thanking them for their hard work and dedication.
This snowfall was massive on any scale; however, the City of Waynesboro will use this experience to better prepare for future storms. An assessment of the City’s storm response will be conducted in order to further refine our procedures. Our goal is to serve Waynesboro’s citizens in the most effective and efficient way possible during weather-related situations.
I’d like to sincerely thank Waynesboro residents for showing patience and a neighborly spirit during the cleanup process. I know we all look forward to getting “back to normal.”
From my family to yours, have a wonderful holiday season!
Lorie Smith represents Ward D on Waynesboro City Council.