Happy Holidays doesn’t offend many of us. Those who are offended, surprise, tend to be Trump voters.
A new poll from Public Policy Polling has 23 percent of Trump voters saying they’re offended at being wished Happy Holidays. Just 5 percent of Hillary Clinton voters are offended at Happy Holidays.
One other data point: which do you prefer, Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays? Trump voters clearly prefer Merry Christmas, with 66 percent saying so, to 9 percent who say they prefer Happy Holidays, and 25 percent saying it doesn’t make a difference which one.
Seventy percent of Clinton voters say it doesn’t make a difference, with 23 percent preferring Merry Christmas, and 7 percent preferring Happy Holidays.
So, yeah, you can see who are the snowflakes on Happy Holidays.
Which brings us to the War on Christmas. Only 25 percent of Americans think there is any kind of War on Christmas, though there is still a plurality of Trump voters – by a 42 percent to 38 percent margin – who feel that particular culture war is ongoing.
Trump voters are also slightly more likely to believe in Santa Claus – 25 percent do, to 20 percent of Clinton voters who believe in the jolly old elf.
Both sides give Christmas high favorables – 86 percent of Trump voters, and 81 percent of Clinton voters, give their thumbs-up to Christmas.
Nine percent of each base, who express unfavorability toward Christmas, are pure Scrooges.
Story by Chris Graham