Bingo has been a game that has been enjoyed for a very long time. Its origins can be traced all the way back to the 16th century when a very similar game was played in Italy. Unfortunately it appears to be on the decline as a game that people go out of their houses to play. Bingo halls have always been very popular, particularly in the United Kingdom where, at their peak, there were over 600 different halls in a country that is not exactly the biggest. It was always seen as a social game, a game you could go out and play with your friends to have a break from just going to a bar.
As it is a game of chance there is no anger when you don’t win, no rivalry between players and bingo halls never feel like casinos full of professional gamblers who are not there for fun but just to win. They are light hearted places that were always chocked full of people looking for a good time and a way to cut loose. However a number of things have put the great bingo hall under threat from new places to gamble to the cost of keeping them open, they have come under pressure. Places are now working on new solutions in order to stay open and increase their revenue.
Also for better or worse, bingo has become increasingly associated with the older generation who were, at one time, the bingo pioneers. If you watch bingo played on TV it always seems as if they are playing in a home for the elderly. There is an episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm where it is played in an old persons home and mocked. It is a game that young people are simply not enjoying playing. It has a stigma and it seems hard for bingo companies to break that stigma and get people back to their halls.
However, one of its biggest challenges is now seemingly helping the bingo hall industry to survive. At first, online bingo was a nightmare for companies operating halls as it took people away and meant customers could now play wherever they wanted. They no longer had to worry about driving all the way to play, they could just play on their phones and get their bingo fix wherever they were. This meant that even the most hardcore fans started to drift away from halls and it seemed like they might be dead on their feet.
What has happened in recent times though is that online bingo has managed to encourage people to try real life bingo. One of the benefits of playing online is that it can be done for free. There are places where you can try bingo for free and thus not have to incur the cost of going to a hall to see if you you enjoyed playing. If you are interested now in trying bingo you can play for free and then see if you like it.
In addition many of the online platforms encourage social interaction, they suggest that you should talk to other players as you play bingo and that you should see bingo as chance to chat as well as to play. This has made people see that bingo can be especially fun if you actually go to a hall and try it out.
Online bingo has given a new lease of life to offline bingo, they work in great harmony and allow people to try it out then go for it on a grander scale. It has helped people to get to play whenever they want, to play in their homes, on their commutes or during a boring meeting before then going to a hall with their friends and enjoying the atmosphere.
Most importantly, what online bingo has done is proved to people that bingo is not just for older people, that it is a game that everyone can enjoy, that is fun whatever your age and that can allow you to play a game which is low pressure but high reward. We are quick to bemoan what online things are doing to the real world but in the case of bingo it seems they have managed to go hand in hand.