The Rivanna Solid Waste Authority and Albemarle County announced that a new transfer station will be constructed on a parcel of land at the existing Ivy Materials Utilization Center (MUC) site.
The new transfer station will be designed to meet all current regulatory requirements for solid waste handling while creating a more user-friendly experience by reducing wait times, improving traffic flow through the site, alleviating traffic congestion on household hazardous waste amnesty days, and providing room to streamline enhanced recycling at a future date. The new facility will retain existing services, including “tag-a-bag” household waste disposal, mulching, and special collections.
This project is in response to requirements by the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) that the operation be covered to prevent waste material from being exposed to precipitation. The Board of Supervisors directed a study of alternatives for coming into compliance with DEQ regulations as well as concepts for expansion of existing services. On November 4, 2015, the Board of Supervisors voted to proceed with construction of a new passive load transfer station to replace the existing facility. The contract for design and construction management has been awarded to SCS Engineering for $118,000. The design is expected to be completed by June 2017.
For more information, visit www. albemarle. org/IvyTransfer. To receive updates on this project in your inbox, sign up for the “Solid Waste & Recycling” A-mail mailing list at www. albemarle. org/amail.
About Ivy MUC
The Ivy MUC currently serves residents of Albemarle County and the City of Charlottesville as a transfer station for municipal solid waste; construction and demolition debris; vegetative waste mulching; and as a convenience center for bagged household waste and limited recycling. It also collects white goods, pallets, tires, and household hazardous waste during special collection days each year in the spring and fall. The Ivy MUC is owned and operated by the Rivanna Solid Waste Authority (RSWA) pursuant to an operating agreement involving RSWA, Albemarle County, and the City of Charlottesville. For more information about RSWA, please visit their website at www. rivanna. org.