Congressman A. Donald McEachin (VA-04) today issued the following statement regarding nationwide unrest in the aftermath of the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis.
“The past few weeks have only rubbed raw the visceral, exhausting pain of longstanding and overarching injustice.
“I know firsthand the dissonance of a lived experience that does not reflect the inalienable rights every American is entitled to — life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
“From our country’s inception, our history has been stained with blood and trauma endured by African Americans. Four hundred years later, the nationwide unrest this weekend demands that we refuse to sweep it under the rug any longer.
“African Americans live every day in a country that has never fully allowed us to join its lofty ideals and principles. That struggle is real and it is unacceptable.
“Our nation must rise to meet this moment together — first with an ear to listen to the pain of those who refuse to lower their expectations to an incomplete American ideal, followed by swift action to protect black lives from violence whether at the hands of renegade police officers or renegade vigilantes.”