Home McClellan gubernatorial campaign picks up key Fairfax County endorsements

McClellan gubernatorial campaign picks up key Fairfax County endorsements

Jennifer McClellan
Jennifer McClellan

Sen. Jennifer McClellan’s campaign for the 2021 Democratic Party gubernatorial nomination has picked up the endorsements of two delegates from Fairfax County: Ken Plum (D-Reston) and Kathy Tran (D-West Springfield).

With those endorsements, McClellan now has the support of four of the Fairfax County delegates: Plum, David Bulova (D-Fairfax), Paul Krizek (D-Mount Vernon) and Tran. McClellan also has been endorsed by Sen. Jennifer Boysko.

Plum is the longest-serving member of the House of Delegates, having served the Reston area for 40 years.

“I have known Sen. Jennifer McClellan for more than a couple of decades when she was a citizen activist and Young Democrat, and have worked with her in the House of Delegates and State Senate,” Plum said. “I realized from the beginning that she had a bright future in politics. She has the best command of Virginia’s history than most anyone in public office. She is highly regarded. When Jennifer speaks, everyone listens because they know they are likely to learn something and for the clarity of her understanding of complex issues.”

“Jennifer McClellan is a progressive leader with deep experience delivering results that lift up all Virginians,” Tran said. “During my time in the General Assembly, I have been impressed by her persistent championing of women’s equality and access to reproductive healthcare, racial justice, working families, and climate action. I am proud to endorse Jennifer’s historic candidacy, which would make her the first Black woman to serve as governor of Virginia. I am confident she will lead us boldly into the future.”

“I’m honored to have the support of Dels. Plum and Tran,” McClellan said. “I’ve known and learned from Del. Plum since I got involved in the Democratic Party of Virginia more than two decades ago. And I’ve been honored to work with Del. Tran on health care and other key issues over the past 3 sessions. Fairfax County will be critical to the 2021 gubernatorial election, and I’m proud to have the support of five members of the General Assembly from the county.”



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