Governor Terry McAuliffe announced Wednesday that the Commonwealth has accepted Transurban’s proposal to deliver the extension of the 95 Express Lanes south to Fredericksburg.
“When I took office four years ago, I made a commitment to radically change how we do transportation in Virginia,” said Governor McAuliffe. “Virginians spent $300 million on the U.S. Route 460 project that was never built, because state officials negotiated a poor contract. Today, I am pleased to announce the Commonwealth has accepted a proposal from Transurban to build the 95 Express Lanes extension 10 miles south of Route 17 in Fredericksburg. This deal will not require any upfront taxpayer investment for construction, and will provide $277 million by the time the express lanes are open that will be invested in the corridor to advance critical transportation projects.”
This project is a part of the Atlantic Gateway initiative to improve travel along the 95 Corridor. With this announcement, the initiative has been expanded to include the Northbound Rappahannock River Crossing, which is a major priority of the Fredericksburg region. In 2022, the 95 corridor from the Potomac River to Fredericksburg will be upgraded. The initiative was made possible through partnerships with the private sector and a grant from the federal government.
“This project addresses an area that traffic data company, INRIX, named ‘worst traffic hot spot’ in the nation,” said Secretary of Transportation Aubrey Layne. “Expanding the Express Lanes 10 miles south will bring much-needed relief from the existing bottlenecks along the I-95 corridor, improve reliability for commuters and freight, enhance road safety and set up the regional economy for future growth.”
The 95 Express Lanes, together with the 395 Express Lanes will provide travel choices and reliable, uninterrupted travel for 50 miles in one of the most congested corridors in the nation. They will also link into the larger regional network of Express Lanes in Northern Virginia on the 495 and 66 corridors.
“Transurban is pleased to continue its long-term partnership with the department to bring congestion relief and extend travel options to the growing Fredericksburg region,” said Jennifer Aument, President, North America, Transurban. “The project, together with the 395 Express Lanes, will provide reliable, uninterrupted travel for 50 miles in one of the most congested corridors in the nation.”
Construction is expected to begin in the Spring of 2019 with the facility slated to open in fall 2022.
The following are key features of the project:
- Ten miles of new two-lane reversible Express Lanes (with full shoulders) from the existing southern terminus at Route 610 to Route 17 North (Exit 143 to Exit 133) and approximately 1.5 miles of an additional reversible Express Lane within the existing 95 Express Lanes south of Garrisonville Road (Route 610)
- New Express Lanes access points, including flyover ramps at the Route 17 terminus and Quantico area and a direct, reversible ramp connection at (Old) Courthouse Road
- Seven new bridge structures:
Express Lanes mainline across Potomac Creek
Northbound general purpose (GP) lanes flyover entrance to Express Lanes north of Route 17
Northbound Express Lanes flyover exit to GP lanes and Russell Road
Southbound GP lanes flyover entrance to Express Lanes south of Russell Road
Southbound Express Lanes flyover to GP lanes and Route 17 at Southern Terminus
American Legion Road overpass (demolish and rebuild existing structure)
Truslow Road overpass (demolish and rebuild existing structure) - Interface and direct connection with the Virginia Department of Transportation’s Rappahannock River Crossing – Southbound Project, including a new general-purpose lane exit ramp at Route 17
- All-electronic tolling with same rules as 95 Express Lanes
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