Buried deep within the Build Back Better legislation that jut passed the House is a tax credit that incentivizes the manufacturing and selling of electric vehicles – making them more accessible to more consumers. This is fantastic news as we attempt to reduce our carbon footprint and face the climate crisis head on.
But as drafted, most of those energy-efficient vehicles would not be eligible for the credit. Rather than promote the sale of all qualifying electric vehicles, this tax credit is extremely limited in nature. It undermines consumer choice and more importantly limits us in our fight against climate change. This is particularly important as Virginia’s governor’s mansion and the speakership transitions into Republican control, as the important climate control measurers enacted in the last two years has the potential to be rolled back.
If we are to meet the goal of the Biden administration to have electric vehicles make up half of US auto sales by 2030, we ought to extend that tax credit to all electric vehicles, not just a select few. I hope Sens. Warner and Kaine meet the urgency of the hour and make this tax credit applicable to all vehicles, as the Build Back Better Act goes to the Senate. Our Commonwealth, nation, and world depend on it.
Letter from Linwood Moore/Blacksburg