Home Letter: Why I am voting for Donald Smith for Augusta County sheriff
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Letter: Why I am voting for Donald Smith for Augusta County sheriff


Print Color Uniform with Hat- Donald Smith-3438First, let me say, we are all very fortunate, we have four great candidates for sheriff. This is rare and Augusta County is lucky to have these gentlemen who are willing to step to the plate and take on a thankless job. Kudos to them all!

After looking at all the candidates, their qualifications, their platforms, and their backers, unequivocally, I can only support one man for the job, and that is Donald Smith. I can reiterate what others have said about him, but, you all have heard that before. I can go on and on about his qualifications, but, he wouldn’t be where he is if he wasn’t qualified. The one thing I would like to make sure everybody realizes is this, Donald is not endorsed by either party.

Why is that important?

If you are backed by a political party, where does your allegiance lie-with the party or the people? In the current political climate, this is a rather large issue. With Donald, you know his allegiance is with the people of Augusta County, the Laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia, and the Constitution of the United States. He isn’t going to sweep something under the rug just because you’re connected with whatever political party happens to have the most votes.

The law should apply evenly to everybody. With Donald, we can be assured that this will happen. Please vote Donald Smith for sheriff on November 3rd.

– Letter from Chris Robinson/Augusta County



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