Kai Degner, former Harrisonburg mayor and current city council member, announced the Founding Principles Series as the cornerstone of his campaign to represent Virginia’s Sixth District in Congress.
Modeled after the dozen summits he convened while on city council, these events are designed to bring together people to discuss issues facing Americans.
“The purpose of the series is to get people together and have honest conversations about our goals, our frustrations, and actions we want taken. Everyone is welcome – even people who disagree with me,” says Degner. “I think voters are tired of partisan political talking points and are ready for problem-solving. That’s what these events are all about.”<
The Founding Principles Series consists of five separate summits, from August 27 through October 8, at various locations in the 6th District, which stretches from Front Royal to Roanoke and Lynchburg. The summits are free to the public and lunch will be served, and online registration is required.
“The inspiration for these citizen summits is the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution,” Degner said. “For example, the first event’s theme is titled, ‘Ensuring Justice and Domestic Tranquility,’ two of the first values identified in the Preamble.”
The Founding Principles Series:
Americans Meeting to Create a More Perfect Union
Ensuring Justice and Domestic Tranquility
August 27, 2016 9:30am – 3pm in Harrisonburg/Rockingham County at Lucy F. Simms Continuing Education Center
Topics include: Police-Community Relations, Criminal Justice Reform, Gun Violence Prevention, Reducing Incarceration and Recidivism, Class, Providing Adequate Treatment for Mental Illness and Drug Addiction, Race and Racism, Fair Arbitration Act, Consumer Rights Protection, and Marijuana Reform.
Promoting Happiness and The American Dream
September 10, 2016 9:30am – 3pm in Salem/Roanoke
Topics include: Jobs, Small Business, Fair Trade, Labor, Unions, Livable Wage, Hunger & Food Security, Healthcare Access and Affordability, Equal Pay for Women, Education Affordability, Workforce Preparedness, Consumer Rights, Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.
Creating a Government Of, By, And For The People
September 17, 2016 9:30am – 3pm in Salem/Roanoke
Topics include: Campaign Finance Reform, Voting Rights, Fair Districting, Ending Corruption, Overturning Citizens United, Open and Transparent Government, Reducing Influence of Corporate and Special Interest Lobbyists.
Preserving America the Beautiful
October 1, 2016 9:30am – 3pm in Staunton/Waynesboro/Augusta
Farms and Food Supply, Sustainable Energy Policy, Environmental Policy, Water, Hemp Legalization, Carbon Reduction, Climate Change, Pipeline, Fracking, Solar Energy, Wind Energy, Performance Standards, Sustainable Transportation Systems and Fuels, National Parks, Forests, and Wilderness Protection.
Ensuring Equality For All
October 8, 2016 9:30am – 3pm in Lynchburg/Bedford/Amherst
Topics include: Race and Racism, Women’s Rights, Religious Freedom, LGBTQ Rights, Immigration Reform, Disability, Elder Care, Equal Access to Quality Education.