One of the most exciting industries to be a part of these days is the CBD industry. Now that it’s way easier to sell CBD in regulated amounts after changes in federal law, and the many benefits that come with it from better skin care to anxiety alleviation, it’s becoming hugely popular in the US, in many different forms. Tons of entrepreneurs are creating new CBD startups, and if you want to join up with one, it’s the perfect time to get involved. But getting a job is always challenging, and considering how much competition there’ll be, you need to use all the right strategies to get a job at one of these startups.
That’s why we’ve put together this guide on how to get hired at a CBD startup. By following our tips, you’ll get some great job offers at the best CBD startups out there.
Be smart about where you look
The startup industry is a bit different from the ordinary business world, so if you’re new to it, you need to know where to find these jobs. Even though looking on LinkedIn works for most job searches, this isn’t necessarily the best place to look (though it’s great for networking, which we’ll get to later). Instead, follow this advice from The Balance:
“AngelList is the best source for startup jobs. You can apply directly for over 74,000 jobs with one application. You’ll also be able to view salary and equity details for each employer. When you register on the site, you’ll create a profile with your work experience and skills. You can share your profile publicly or keep it secret if you want to job search privately…Also search GitHub Jobs by title, location, company, and benefits. If you’re looking to partner and get in on the ground floor, CoFoundersLab is a site where potential entrepreneurs look for co-founders.”
Additionally, even if startups aren’t necessarily listing vacancies, querying about jobs and why you’d be a great fit can go far in the CBD startup world. For example, if there’s a CBD oil company that matches your values, send a cold email to the founder or a message over social media. Even if they can’t hire you now, they’ll keep you in mind for future positions. After all, the CBD market is expected to reach to hit $22 billion by 2022, so these companies are likely to grow and contact you when they need more staff.
The startup world is full of creatives and people with initiative, so they’ll admire your efforts. It’s worth researching companies too and just starting from there.
Make connections in the startup world
Let’s say that you’ve just used the best CBD oil you’ve ever tried, and you’d love to work for that company. Why not create a connection by writing up a review on Medium or raving about it on Instagram? If you tag the company, they’re like to engage back. Then, you have a connection. Generally, creating content about the industry you want to work in will show your interest, as well as your creative, analytical, and research skills, which is impressive in the startup world.
The same goes for social media generally. Join startup groups, and CBD benefits and CBD for pain relief groups on Facebook, and you’re likely to start making connections. Twitter is a great tool for looking for jobs; by using the right hashtags (e.g., #cbdstartup and #hiring), you can start messaging people in that industry.
Additionally, don’t forget the power of meeting people in person. If there’s a conference on how people can use CBD for pain relief near you, for example, go there. You’ll meet lots of industry experts and connections that can help you get an in at other companies even if theirs isn’t currently hiring. According to an interview with the CEO of MiMedia in, “Startups generally prefer to hire by referral, meaning they’re taking the word of someone they trust that a candidate is worth talking to.” You can always follow up later with email or via LinkedIn, which means you can reach out to them in the future, too.
The CBD market is estimated to grow exponentially over the next few years, so the more connections you make now, the more chance you’ll have of getting a job in this booming industry in the future.
By following these strategies–and never giving up, and reaching out again to contacts once you’ve built up your CV a little bit in the startup world-you’ll get hired at a CBD startup soon. What other strategies do you think would be effective?