Residents looking to volunteer their time and use their expertise to support the local community have a number of options available to them with the City of Harrisonburg.
Seats are currently available on 11 of the City’s boards and commissions. These groups meet throughout the year to discuss various topics and upcoming events, researching them to provide recommendations and guidance to City staff and the Harrisonburg City Council. Some boards and commissions meet once a month; others meet less frequently.
All interested residents are encouraged to apply.
“Our boards and commissions members are vital to the work the City does in moving Harrisonburg forward and bringing a wealth of knowledge and experiences to the important conversations these committees take part in,” Harrisonburg City Clerk Pam Ulmer said. “But it’s also a great opportunity for people to give back to their community, and to gain further experience in being involved in local government.”
Seats are currently open on the Board of Equalization, Building Code Board of Appeals, Economic Development Advisory Committee, Environmental Performance Standards Advisory Committee, Harrisonburg Electric Commission, HarrisonburgRockingham Housing Authority, Parks and Recreation Commission, Planning Commission, Social Services Advisory Board, Towing Advisory Board and Transportation Safety and Advisory Commission.
To apply, residents should fill out an application at or go to the third floor of City Hall, 409 S. Main St., to obtain an application from the City Clerk. Applications will then be considered by City Council, which votes to select board and commission members.