Don Beyer (D-VA) issued the following statement today after the House voted to pass H. Res. 660, which establishes procedures for open hearings as part of the impeachment investigation.
“Today the House voted to let the American people hear directly from witnesses who saw President Trump engage in some of the worst abuses of power in the history of this country.
“Republicans spent weeks complaining about a process that followed rules they created, and then nonsensically voted against allowing the very public hearings they said they wanted. Absurdly, they voted against giving themselves and the President more privileges than the minority had in previous impeachments.
“Republicans have shown an Orwellian ability to ignore eye witness testimony, documentary evidence, and even the President’s own words which alone establish his willingness to endanger our national security for his personal benefit. Republicans applaud as the President obstructs justice and openly argues that he is above the law, and accountable to no one. That kind of blind partisan allegiance and denial of the rule of law is a straight road to authoritarianism.
“Like my colleagues, I did not come to Congress to impeach anyone, but every one of us swore to defend the Constitution against enemies foreign and domestic. We do not honor that oath by turning a blind eye to the President’s betrayal of our country. I applaud my colleagues for passing this resolution to provide for hearings which will establish the truth for the American people.”