Augusta County has recently been awarded the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting by the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada for its comprehensive annual financial report.
The Certificate of Achievement is the highest form of recognition in the area of governmental accounting and financial reporting, and its attainment represents a significant accomplishment by a government and its management.
The County Finance Department, under the leadership of Finance Director Misty Cook, has received an Award of Financial Reporting Achievement for their preparation of the award-winning CAFR. The CAFR was judged by an impartial panel to meet the high standards of the program, which includes demonstrating a constructive “spirit of full disclosure” to clearly communicate its financial story and motivate potential user and user groups to read the CAFR.
“The GFOA award affirms the efforts of the Augusta County finance office to communicate its operations with integrity and clarity,” says County Administrator Tim Fitzgerald. “This honor shows that the County goes above and beyond to achieve high standards of reporting.”
“I am pleased that Augusta County has been recognized for this award. It means that the community is able to access and gain an in-depth understanding of our financial activities and that is a priority for me,” says Cook. “I am also proud to carry on the County’s long tradition of excellence in financial reporting.”
The County of Augusta has received the GFOA award for the last 21 years, according to the GFOA website. Cook has been finance director since 2017.
This achievement comes on the heels of a GFOA Distinguished Budget Presentation Award received in April 2019, the County’s second year to receive the honor. The budget award represents a significant achievement, reflecting commitment to meet the highest principles of
governmental budgeting and to satisfy nationally recognized guidelines for effective budget presentation. A Certificate of Recognition was presented to the Finance Department for its primary role in achieving the honor.
Government Finance Officers Association is a major professional association servicing the needs of over 20,000 appointed and elected local, state and provincial-level government official and other finance practitioners. It provides top quality publications, training program, services, and products designed to enhance the skills and performance of those responsible for government finance policy and management. The association is headquartered in Chicago, Illinois, with offices in Washington, D.C.
Augusta County is located in the Shenandoah Valley and is the second-largest county in Virginia by area. Established in 1738, Augusta County is home to nearly 75,000 people. Learn more about economic initiatives, tourism, and news at