The time has come for someone to put his foot down. And that foot is … Animal House, which is playing the Wayne Theatre tonight as part of the Cult Movie Series.
Animal House is the cultest of cult movies, a cultural touchtone for baby boomers, Generation X and Y and now reaching into the age of the millennials, who know as much as the rest of us all about futile and stupid gestures being done on somebody’s part.
As many times as I’ve seen this movie, easily over 50, I’ve never seen it on the big screen. Animal House debuted in theaters in 1978, when I was all of 6 years old. I first saw it on HBO in the mid-‘80s, as an early teen, and for obvious reasons it struck a tone.
It was probably the idea of being on double-secret probation, the concept of which still intrigues the hell out of me.
The catch phrases are part of my daily vocabulary. Whenever the missus talks about somebody she dated in high school, for instance, I’ll respond with some version of, Is he bigger than me?
Put me near a table full of food, I warn people in the vicinity to keep their hands and feet clear, and they’ll be OK.
How many of us, feeling figuratively spanked by some odd situation or the other, hasn’t said, Thank you, sir, may I have another?
And I hate to admit that in moments where I really want to be a smart ass, I’m thinking, rarely saying, but definitely thinking, Hi, Chris Graham, rush chairman, damn glad to meet you.
Hope I get to see you tonight at the Wayne for Animal House.
I’ll be there in a toga and a T-shirt that says College.
Column by Chris Graham, rush chairman, and he was damn glad to meet you.