Home How call center technology can improve your organizations productivity

How call center technology can improve your organizations productivity

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Photo Credit: bernardbodo

The right call center software can improve the productivity and profitability of your organization. Call center software is more advanced now, and you can make data-driven decisions that will improve overall productivity. The best part is that the right software will do all the analytical work for you, and you can make decisions before your organization is in a crisis.

Here are some of the ways that call center technology from Balto can increase productivity in your company within a month or two.

Real-time agent guides

The best call center technologies have real-time agent guides to ensure agents say the right thing at the right time. A real-time guide makes agents feel more confident about their work and competent to meet their targets. Also, the guides use phrases and questions that will likely lead an agent to close a sale. They can help agents improve their conversion rate over time.

Real-time coaching

New technologies have a feature that notifies the immediate supervisor or team leader when an agent needs assistance or coaching. A team leader can assist agents on a real-time basis when they make a mistake that results in a poor customer experience.

Real-time coaching helps weed out bad habits that cause low customer satisfaction and lower conversion rates. Managers, supervisors, and team leaders can nip bad habits immediately after the system notifies them of errors in dealing with customers.

Automated call scoring

The automated call scoring feature can determine the quality of a call in less than five minutes and allocate a score. The feature eliminates the need to listen to all calls and assign a quality score manually. Another function the tool offers is breaking down different objectives that make up the overall call score.

Therefore, you can see the area where an employee is failing when making calls. When speaking to the target audience, employees can skip greetings, compliance statements, engaging questions, or even use the wrong phrases. The call analysis can tell whether employees need more training, a better script, more breaks, or incentives.

For example, if non-compliance is why calls have a low score, you add a compliance statement to the script and ask employees to read it word-for-word. Another example is analyzing calls with high-quality scores and implementing the strategies used in high-scoring calls.

A comprehensive dashboard

Top-of-the-line call center software has a comprehensive dashboard that shows individual and departmental performance. You can see who is performing and who is lagging. Therefore, you will find out the cause of decreased productivity and find ways to improve it.

You can track your organization’s performance on your dashboard and ensure you stay on track to meet your goals. You will see the call scores of individuals and the objectives measured during scoring. Also, the dashboard shows the number of calls with low scores and the key areas that caused a low call score.

Improve your organization with call center technology

Using the right call center technology can do wonders for your organization’s technology. You can pinpoint the areas that need improving and formulate strategies that work. You can check out Balto call center software if you have a call center and are looking for the best software.

Story by Brad Bernanke



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