Home Ad: Gabrielle Giffords calls out Barbara Comstock for siding with NRA

Ad: Gabrielle Giffords calls out Barbara Comstock for siding with NRA


Giffords PACGiffords PAC, part of the gun safety organization founded by former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and Captain Mark Kelly, released its first ad of this election cycle featuring Gabrielle calling out Congresswoman Barbara Comstock for siding with the NRA as America suffers from a gun violence crisis.

Comstock has an A rating from the NRA and was one of the NRA’s top campaign beneficiaries. Her district is the backyard of the NRA’s headquarters. The ad notes that even as 38,000 people were killed by guns in 2016, Comstock continued to take money from the NRA while refusing to fight for stronger gun laws.

“The failed leadership of Barbara Comstock and other NRA-backed leaders in Congress have contributed to this country’s tragic inability to keep its kids and communities safe from gun violence,” said former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. “For Virginians who have had enough of the shootings, for voters who have had enough of politicians who say “thoughts and prayers” before cashing checks from the NRA, for those of us who simply want to pass along a safer country to our kids — it’s time to vote Barbara Comstock out of office and elect in her place a Congresswoman who will dedicate her time in office to our safety, Jennifer Wexton.”

The advertisement began appearing today on televisions across Virginia’s 10th district as part of a $1 million campaign. It will be shown across cable and appear heavily in Loudoun and Fairfax.



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