Home Gov. Youngkin announces second round of Parole Board appointments

Gov. Youngkin announces second round of Parole Board appointments

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Gov. Glenn Youngkin on Wednesday announced a second round of appointments to the Parole Board after Senate Democrats refused earlier this year to confirm an initial slate of appointees.

The new Parole Board appointees are Samuel Boone Jr., Steven Buck, Michelle Dermyer and Toby Vick.

“After the Democrats attempted to cover up a scandal of their own creation and keep individuals from receiving parole, it’s time to reform the Parole Board again and put the scandals behind us,” Youngkin said.

“This group of individuals will restore common sense, reform the Parole Board, and stand up for victims’ rights. In prioritizing public safety, we are ensuring that all Virginians feel safe and secure in their communities. We need to put an end to the chaos and reform the Parole Board,” Youngkin said.

The “scandal” referenced by Youngkin involved a series of release decisions made by the Parole Board without following proper release notification procedures to victims and prosecutors.

Republicans had made this a political issue during last year’s gubernatorial campaign, and Youngkin followed up on a campaign promise in firing Democratic appointees serving on the board.

The Democratic-majority Senate vote to block the Youngkin Parole Board appointees wasn’t so much a cover up as a response to the Republican-majority House of Delegates voting earlier in this year’s General Assembly session to block a slate of political appointees from former Gov. Ralph Northam.

That House vote, in turn, was a response to the Senate voting to block the appointment of a former coal industry lobbyist to serve in a top environmental post.

Your government at work for you.

Story by Chris Graham



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