Home Local author Charles McRaven to speak at New Dominion Bookshop

Local author Charles McRaven to speak at New Dominion Bookshop

New Dominion BookshopNew Dominion Bookshop (404 E Main St., Charlottesville) will host a book talk and signing with author Charles McRaven on Saturday, June 23, from 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM. Charles McRaven is the author of five books about homesteading skills and historical building techniques, as well as three novels. This event is free to attend.

Charles “Mac” McRaven has been building with stone, log, and post & beam since he was eleven years old. His parents built their homes in the 1940’s with the help of their children. This fascination has lasted more than fifty years. McRaven has built and restored hundreds of log, stone, and post & beam structures all over the United States. His preservation work and his writings have earned him recognition as America’s leading authority on the preservation of the nation’s structural history.

McRaven writes copiously on pioneer skills and historic American building techniques as well as their place in history and today’s world. He is the author of The Classic Hewn Log HouseStoneworkBuilding with StoneThe Stone Primer, and The Blacksmith’s Craft. He has also written three books of fiction: The RiflingBuild Me A Tower, and Winter Rage. He writes regularly for magazines including Country Journaland Fine Homebuilding.

About New Dominion Bookshop

Serving Albemarle and Central Virginia since 1924, New Dominion Bookshop is the oldest independent bookseller in Virginia. Located in Historic Downtown Charlottesville, New Dominion is a general trade bookshop that serves as the hub for readings and other literary events in the community. For more information, visit ndbookshop.com.



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