Home Northam announces first Governor’s Capitol Classic Car Show

Northam announces first Governor’s Capitol Classic Car Show


governor's capitol classic car showGovernor Northam announced the first Governor’s Capitol Classic Car Show, a family friendly event on Capitol Square that will feature a variety of classic cars from around Virginia, will take place on Saturday, Sept. 15.

The show is part of the Governor’s OnTheSquareVA employee engagement campaign and is a partnership with Classic Automotive Events of Virginia.

The event, which will be held from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., is free to the public and also will feature food trucks, an open house at the Executive Mansion and Capitol tours.

“This car show not only provides a unique, family friendly outing to view beautiful cars at our historic Capitol Square, it also is an opportunity to remind children about the importance of learning to work with their hands,” said Governor Northam, a classic car enthusiast who has restored a 1953 Oldsmobile and works on a 1971 Corvette. “The restoration and preservation of antique and classic cars provides high-skilled jobs while also celebrating technological and artistic achievements.”

Cars eligible for the show must be from 1993 or earlier. Those who would like to enter a car should visit OnTheSquareVA.virginia.gov under Special Events for complete details and registration information. A $25 registration fee is required of all cars chosen to be included.

OnTheSquareVA is an employment engagement initiative created under the direction of Governor Northam to promote healthy, social lifestyles for state employees. OnTheSquareVA encourages events not just on Richmond’s Capitol Square, but across the Commonwealth.

Classic Automotive Events of Virginia is a 501(c)3 nonprofit created for hosting educational and entertaining automotive events in Virginia related to antique and special interest automobiles. Proceeds from the events hosted by Classic Automotive Events of Virginia go to worthy charities.

For more information or to register, visit OnTheSquareVA.virginia.gov.



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