Gov. Glenn Youngkin and First Lady Suzanne S. Youngkin donated a portion of the governor’s salary to Canine Companions, an organization that pairs service dogs with people and facilities to support independent and healthy living.
The governor donated $43,750 to Canine Companions. The governor’s donation will underwrite the cost of two facility dogs through Canine Companions, with the first Canine Companions dog placement in Petersburg. This dog will be partnered with a Petersburg police officer, serving as a canine community bridge builder to support the health and wellbeing of those in and around the criminal justice system.
“The benefits of the human/animal bond cannot be overstated,” said First Lady of Virginia. “We couldn’t be more grateful to Canine Companions for its work to help people with disabilities and communities in need, nor more excited about the blessings that these dogs will surely bestow on the Petersburg community.”
The Youngkins traveled to Petersburg to welcome service dogs and their handlers from the Virginia and the Northeast Region. Since its founding in 1975, Canine Companions has provided more than 7,700 service dogs to people with disabilities and has since expanded to six regional training centers throughout the U.S.
Previous quarterly donations were given to Good News Jail and Prison Ministry, a nonprofit placing Christian chaplains in jails and prisons to minister to the spiritual needs of inmates and staff; Operation Light Shine, an integral partner helping to eradicate human trafficking in Virginia; and the Life Enrichment Center, a nonprofit helping young students learn to read and become adept in using technology.