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Writing legal essays: 8 tips on how to write legal essay

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Although it may appear trivial, writing a legal essay is not as easy as writing a simple paper. Obviously, like with all kinds of writing, you need to form a three-part structure: introduction, body and conclusion. However, what makes law essays unique is that they are not supposed to be mere collections of information and facts: rather, they are supposed to be a combination of those facts with your own viewpoint.

Here are some tips to help you write better legal essays.

Get Ready

If given a choice of topic, choose something you care about so that you can present your work passionately. Being prepared is key to writing an excellent legal essay. Make sure you have done your research and have a deep understanding of your topic. Also, try to go over as many real cases as possible because real-world cases prove that you have a firm grasp of your topic.

Use Relevant Previous Cases

An important step in writing a legal essay involves using previous cases related to your topic. To do this, you should choose your source. You can refer to newspapers and magazines to find relevant stories. Research papers and academic textbooks are also full of studies and discussions you can draw on. Consider using both types of sources to make your argument more comprehensive.

Refer to Relevant Laws

It is common to draw on previous cases in legal essays. You should also consider referring to any laws that are relevant to your argument. If your argument is backed by law, no one can criticize it.

Follow Standard Writing Techniques

When you start to write the essay, there are several standard techniques and practices that can make your job easier. Consider following them carefully:

  • Have an outline: it helps to organize your thoughts and save you a lot of time
  • Introduce the topic in a compelling manner: it is essential to engage your audience from the beginning
  • Expand arguments: support your opinion with relevant details, examples, laws, and cases
  • Expand counter-arguments: balance your argument and try to be unbiased
  • Present a conclusion: help the reader understand your point by summarizing your argument

Conduct Thorough Analyses

In order to present a convincing argument, you need evidence. More often than not, the evidence you need is not available in a neat and structured manner. This is where your analytical skills come into play. Pay attention to small details and see how the parts of your work fit together. Don’t forget that without evidence, you can’t prove your point. So don’t rush the analysis step and be patient.

Present a Clear Argument

Once you have decided on the subject and title of your essay, it is time to present your argument. Like all argumentative essays, legal essays need to start with your thesis statement – your main opinion.

Remember that your argument must be authentic and include your personal opinion. Try to avoid clichés. As a prospective lawyer, you need to be able to convince others that your opinion is correct. So, writing essays can be a great practice.

Also, dedicate as many paragraphs to your argument as needed. Most students fall into the trap of the three-paragraph argument, when in fact the majority of legal essays need to go into much more detail before a conclusion can be reached. It’s not uncommon for an essay to be three or four pages long.

Conclude Wisely

You should not introduce any new ideas in the conclusion of your essay. However, the purpose of the section is not just to rephrase your argument; rather, it readdresses your points in light of the provided evidence.

Revise and Proofread

Once you’re finished with your work, let it sit for a day or two before you come back to it. Read it again and correct any grammatical or spelling errors. See if there are any sentences that are vague or hard to understand. Also, it’s a good idea to ask a friend or classmate to read your essay before you turn it in. A second pair of eyes is always helpful.

Bottom Line

Although legal essays are argumentative, they tend to have their own unique nuances. In order to write a stellar essay, in addition to following the best practices of essay writing, you need to analyze cases that are relevant to your work and analyze any existing evidence very carefully. This way, you can present a compelling argument and get a top score.

Getting Help

Law students may be confused by all the complexities of writing a solid essay. They might be wondering “can someone help write my essay?” or asking “is it possible to ask someone to write my essay?”

Fortunately, the answer to both of those questions is positive. By asking help from professional custom essay writing services, you can receive quality essays and get excellent grades.



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